Financial scams


As we know, scams come in different ways either mail, telephone calls, ads, through the computer and also right in front of our door. The scammers target elderly people because they tend to have a lot savings as well as property. They also tend to spend more money at their age.

Today, our topic will be :


In this topic we will identify the types of financial scams and the method used by the scammers. Let's get started!


1.      Relative in need

They will pretend to be one of your family members or relatives and contact you saying that they're in need. They will call, text or mail you and say that they need some amount of money immediately. 
2.      Charity appeals

You will get a call or text or mail saying that they are a organization and asking you for some money for the charity propose. They will ask for your personal information saying that they will text or notify you for your charity fund. but trust me dear, it will never happen. In other situation, some scammers even have the guts to approach you personally with their fake charity account. Be Xtra Careful fellas.
3.      Home Improvement

They will take your money for any repairing jobs but they will never return to do the job or they will disappear right after they received the money. In some situation, they will say that the things need more work will they don't.  smh
4.      Lottery or sweeptakes

You received a call or text or mail or ads through saying that you stand a chance to win a huge amount of money by winning a lottery or through a foreign country's sweeptakers. The caller will also call you saying that you've won the lottery and ask you to give your account number or pay certain amount to collect your winnings.